We are members of the Junta Arbitral de Consumo de Canarias
If you think we have failed to provide a satisfactory answer to your complaint, you have the right to go to arbitration.
This is an out-of-court procedure for resolving consumer-related conflicts which takes place when opposing parties are unable to decide on the most suitable solution and use an arbitration tribunal to solve their differences. Both parties agree to comply with the tribunal’s verdict. Complaints between consumers and businesses that can be resolved through consumer arbitration are managed by the Junta Arbitral de Consumo de Canarias (Canary Islands Consumer Arbitration Board). This is a free system, which is much faster than a legal claim.

Aguas de Antigua is a member of the Junta Arbitral de Consumo de Canarias , covering all aspects of its sales process, from meter readings to billing and payments, so we accept any arbitration requests our policy holders propose. To start the arbitration process, you must first have made a complaint to the company and been given an answer.
You can view an information leaflet here.